6,257,727 391,108
- MARK MY WORDS, if they are introduced to it correctly (start very small, very slow, and keep at it at every sex session, going a bit farther (a little harder, a bit faster) each time if she is willing and able) they WILL soon absolutely love it and will start asking YOU for it!
- I love anal! Especially when the guy cums a couple of times and fills me up.
- You should also get her to associate anal with pleasure, i.e. with orgasms, and the best way is to finger her ass as she's coming (and it will actually make her orgasms much stronger if she has something in her ass, like a buttplug or a finger)
- over 90% of chicks hate anal sex?
Wrong. Most chicks who have never even tried it THINK they'll hate it. The rest are split between those who love it and those who haven't had it done well. The truth is that unless they're prudish, ALL girls WILL love anal IF IT'S DONE RIGHT! True, most won't love it from the very beginning, but you must persevere, and start SLOW and SMALL.
48,176 159
43,589 181
31,870 262
43,535 161