1,432,063 89,504
- nice
- Good Old Max.
- dude...at like 37 minutes that is one of the best sluts ever Kitty Yung. It's a mystery I guess what happened to her but I think she died RIP pretty baby if true....
- I've been watching Lydia Chanell wherever shed pop up since around 98 and to me she was one of those who could have been a legit supermodel easily . Biggest around this time would have been Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell,Tyra Banks and Cindy Crawford and none of those could stand next to her without their makeup on. Something fucked up had to been going on for her to not be getting a legit bag instead of having 3m dipped down her gullet every day.
5,053 161
15,781 411
31,099 160
41,077 191