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- I love your imagination; you're very fine looking; and camera angle is great---just need better lighting & sound---hope you redo this one, as I really believe you have what it takes to make a big name for yourself--sorry to be so critical!

- Dinner table already so when she gets an erection it's ok...... But and daddy will show her how to get rid of her clitty boner WHILE Mommy gets that hole ready for it's first plug. They start to......... I could go forever this wasn't supposed to turn into all that but it's how my mind works..... Sorry

- Shove a plug in his tiny little ass too. Theyedi have to show the little boy they support his choice to be a girl and that (she) has to get comfortable living as a girl. Buying her thongs and crotchless stockings for around the house of course. Mom starts to only take it in the ass cuz she sees daddies bulge every time their new princess walks past with the little ass out and her pee pee is now her clitty and Mom already told her that clitties her hard to she's shown her a couple of times at the

- This could've been a really good video especially with all the boys turning trans you know their moms are like"since your a girl now I can be naked around you!" But secretly get wet as fuck at the thought of her sexually confused little boy looking at her ass as she bends over. She'd eventually start walking around with a butt plug in and start leaving her legs spread at the glass dining room table during meals. And Dad is there rock hard at the thought of his wife trying to entice his son to

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