51,629 3,227
- Yeah, his sister would kill him if she ever found out he let her man have sex with him, for sure. But he always thought the guy was "interesting" and, yeah, he had jacked off imagining the guy fucking him. So when he sort of started dropping hints his way that he might go for it with him, he went for it. He shouldn't have, he knew that, but her guy wanted to and he sure did, so....yeah. It happened.
- Los que decìan que las relaciones sexuales entre varones es una desviaciòn estaban completamente equivocadoos. on el tiempo se descubriò que es una necesidad psicofìsica para ciertos tipos de hombre que no tienen porquè encuadrar en ninguna clasificaciòn.
- Eles são bem gostosos.
- Wow .... que sabrosa cojida como quisiera agarrar ese culo también
26,861 500
15,393 447
3,326 360
25,834 115